Q: How HOT is it?

A: We know MOST people don't eat things as spicy as we do here at Twisted Spice, so we kept that in mind when making this sauce for consumers. Currently it is not much spicier than your standard buffalo wing hot sauce. However, if the Kickstarter goes well we will be able to offer our "Everything? Sauce" in a variety of heat levels. 


Q: Is it REALLY good on everything?

A: This is the feedback we have been given so far! In fact we were told that we were limiting ourselves by labeling it a BBQ sauce.....The only way to know for sure it to try it on your favorite food. Tell us what you think.


Q: Do you offer this in GALLON jugs?

A: Believe it or not this is the Number One question we receive and the answer, unfortunately, is No. However depending on the success of the Kickstarter we will be able to offer a 12oz bottle in addition to the 5oz.


Q: How can I make sure I NEVER run out of this again?

A: Yes, this was REALLY a question we received and we were thrilled to hear it! Since at this point we have only made this for: Family, Friends, Friends of Family and Friends of Friends......we have had dry periods where our REAL jobs prevented us from making more sauce. Our dream is that in the near future, THIS will be our REAL job!